Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I think and think
Thoughts come and go
They don’t take any form
I try to catch them with meaning but in vain
For they shoot up and dissolve
Into the vast engulfing nothingness.

Thoughts inside me
Keep striving to come out of me
Hurting my heart and boggling my mind
Fall flat dashing against my insensitivity
That chained the hand of my feelings
And the rising tides of thoughts lose their existence.



Cosmic Climax

Interplay between
Love and lust
Sweet and subtle
A fair sexes’ bust
Strengthens the immense pillar of humanity.

Fear of carnal sins
Relishing macho force
Seeming hesitation
Avoiding intercourse
Invites the shooting arrow of Lord Cupid.

Initial inhibition gone
Lust heat gone rusty
Emotion’s ejaculation
Into the earthly cave
Sprouts the seed of a new life in the world.

Struggle of the newborn
In the battlefield of life
Competing with the self
For the earthly survival
Refines and purifies the heart of all gross desires.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

मेरे मन का पागल पंछी

प्रखर प्रभा और प्रीति की रश्मि

रवि से आलोकित सारा आकाश

अंतर्मन के हर आँगन में

जगमग जगमग प्रेम प्रकाश

मेरे मन का पागल पंछी

क्यूँ उड़ उड़ आये तेरे पास .

ज्ञात है मुझको अपनी सीमा

मन ही मन करता एहसास

भावों के उन्मुक्त गगन में

मधुर मिलन का करता आस

मेरे मन का पागल पंछी

क्यूँ उड़ उड़ आये तेरे पास .

तेरे जल का प्यासा सागर

तरप तरप के देखे राह

तेरी यादों के साये में

भटक भटक के भरते आह

प्रेम गगन में जब उड़ते उड़ते

थक जाये और लग जाये प्यास

मेरे मन का पागल पंछी

क्यूँ उड़ उड़ आये तेरे पास .



On the flowerbed of hope

With a heart with a crack

I am waiting for someone

Who will never come back.

Sweet bonds once I had

In the bower of my heart

Quite soothing to the soul

Lost and sold in the mart.

So many days and nights

My heart had been restive

I had not known in the past

Such pain love would give.

Now time has taught me

A true lesson of compromise

To live a life of mental peace

Love, unpractical, is a surmise.



Smile has taken a flight

Towards the sky of gloom

As the beauty of a flower

Withered, can never bloom.

The face of our happiness

Has turned pale with sorrow

That has darkened our soul

To see the Light tomorrow.

Life seems painful to live

In the world without the one

Who was expected to come

Sweetening our life like a bun.



Walking everyday

Along a path unknown

With many a thought

I feel walked on and on

By the invisible feet

Of great silent Time.

Eating for my health

For sustenance of self

On this existential planet

I feel devoured to bits

By the demon of Time.

Working on my desktop

Next to the diminishing face

In the corner of work place

I feel worked on and on

By the scientist of Time.

Giving a helping hand

To the needy whoever

With whatever possible

I feel helped in distress

By Samaritan of Time.

What I do and think

Of the vision in my dream

Fail to help me fly to Him

Like a bird of peace

Loitering caged in lurch

In the wings of Time.



You told me to wait for some time

And I kept waiting for you to come

With sweet fragrance of the flower

Dipped in the feelings of the chum.

Tired, I got up to say no more

What I had in my heart's core

But the relation that I have had

Told me to wait furthermore.

Innumerable days already went by

Since I have had a nice talk

To the one I liked very much

All along my life’s long walk.

Why I wait and why I write

Be it the day or the night

Why I come closer or fight

Is it to me wrong or right????


Monday, January 25, 2010


In pursuit of aesthetic sense

I was roaming in the beauty

Pining for the lessons of love

Professed by such a real cutie.

Impressed by an enticing smile

I felt encroaching her inner world

Being Ignorant of deadly venom

Of the black snake lying curled.

So charming appeared her hood

Covered with nice colorful attire

Overwhelmed, I tried to hug her

Who, in turn, set my world on fire.

Love all but with a selfless heart

Or selfishness will tear you apart.

This is the lesson I have learnt

After the gross desire was burnt.



In pursuit of aesthetic sense

I was roaming in the beauty

Pining for the lessons of love

Professed by such a real cutie.

Impressed by an enticing smile

I felt encroaching her inner world

Being Ignorant of deadly venom

Of the black snake lying curled.

So charming appeared her hood

Covered with nice colorful attire

Overwhelmed, I tried to hug her

Who, in turn, set my world on fire.

Love all but with a selfless heart

Or selfishness will tear you apart.

This is the lesson I have learnt

After the gross desire was burnt.